Back & Neck Pain Many people seek chiropractic care in our office for back and/or neck pain. Chiropractors are experts regarding spinal pain. We have helped people with conditions ranging from simple muscle pulls to severe disc problems. Some patients have suffered needlessly with chronic pain for many years finding only minor relief from typical treatments (including drugs, physical therapy and surgery). When the cause of their problem is revealed through a chiropractic examination relief is often only a few short visits away. If you have suffered with any form of back and neck pain it is very important to have your spine checked by a chiropractor to see if there is a blockage to the flow of information along your nervous system. No other profession corrects subluxations. This is why chiropractic care has been heralded as the most effective treatment for back and neck pain. Literally thousands of patients have found relief from back pain following an adjustment by Dr. Dan. |